Saturday, May 24, 2008

Bath Time!

Look at that curl!

We got some cute pictures when we were giving her a bath!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Big Girl!

Ellie is 10 pounds- 4 ounces! She "coos" and "ekks" all the time now. They are the sweetest sounds ever to be heard. I swear she even gives me a smile here and there- I hope it isn't just gas.

I'll try to get some video clips on here as soon as I learn how to!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

First Weekend Trip

This weekend, we went up to Atlanta for Elisa and Sean's Engagement Party. Ellie was so great! She slept most of the ride up there and at the party. I wish she would be awake more so people can see her blue eyes (before they change). Instead of going home, we went up to Cartersville to visit Sam, Kelly, Mary Madison, and John. I am not kidding- we brought 8 different bags with us- 7 of them for Ellie!

Ellie Nicole Lumpkin

Ellie was originally due on April 11th. That day came and went. We went ahead and induced on Monday the 14th. Ellie was born at 4:37PM after a c-section. She was a healthy 8 lb. 7 oz. baby (I think a pound of her was hair on her head!).

We are so thrilled to have her here with us. We do miss sleep, but the trade-off is all worth it!